May 16, 2006

Ever thought of investing in Latin America?

Investing in bonds and equity markets in Latin America can bring in good returns. Agreed...right now, the stock markets are in turmoil. But that hasn't stopped hedge fund firm, Emergent Asset Management and Argentina's MBA Banco de Inversiones from launching a new hedge fund that aims to tap the regional opportunities.

Well...the strength of Latin American countries lies in its rich resources of oil and precious and base metals that are currently reaching record prices.

According to Susan Payne, Emergent's chief executive,"Current account and fiscal surpluses, as well as flexible exchange rates are also contributing to the region's outperformance."

So if you are interested in investing, you can join the party by shelling out at least $100,000 and better hurry before May 30th. The annual management fees are around 2 percent and performance fees are 20 percent.

Interested in knowing more...Read

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