A new approach for the small investors...
That's what Brian Hlidek, a former investment adviser and Jay Compson from Hingham, have worked out while starting their hedge fund called Absolute Strategies Fund. The idea began as a way to bring out a mutual fund that would allow investors to benefit from a hege fund style of investing.
Their mutual fund is one of the few that works as a hedge fund of funds. It is a hedge fund that reduces risk by investing in many other hedge funds. But unlike the normal hedge fund, this does not force the investors to lock up their money for an extended period of time. And it's more transparent.
Though Absolute's Fund may not be the best fund when the stock markets rise rapidly, but it's quite a beneficial bet when the markets are down.
According to Bill Noonan, vice president at Contravisory, "What they're trying to do is bring alternatives to the broader market. They have a lot of unique managers in there that the general public could not invest in directly, mainly because of the minimum required to access these managers."
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