May 23, 2006

Hedge Fund Regulation Approved

Financial executives have approved hedge fund's role in the market and also endorsed the required Securities and Exchange Commission registration. The survey conducted by Pricewaterhouse Coopers covered insurance companies, banks, broker/dealer operations, investment mangement, real estate and financial services forms. The finding showed that 71% respondents agreed that hedge funds play an important role in fostering deeper and liquid capital markets worldwide. It was also found that 85% agree with hedge fund regulations.

The findings indicated that the hedge fund industry is being given top preference by the financial services industry. Hedge funds are viewed as well-run organizations that are led by intelligent people. Hedge funds have attracted significant assets in recent years and also attracted a large number of people. Traditional financial services firms reveal that they are not competing with hedge funds for talent.

Hedge funds have begun to realize the full regulatory impact on their day-to-day business. Compliance was named one of the challenged to the entire financial services industry in the survey conducted by Pricewaterhouse Coopers. More than half of the financial executives cite the cost, burden and risk of regulatory compliance as areas of concern.

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